Our Shift to Environmentally Sustainable Packaging

We talk a lot about sustainability and salmon. We know that when fishing industries are regulated to prevent overfishing, as they are in Alaska through the sustained yield principle, purchasing wild caught fish can be a more sustainable choice than purchasing a farmed product. Additionally, the reason we are so passionate about the line caught fishing method that we use to harvest salmon is because it is the most sustainable fishing method possible (and it provides a superior quality fish).

But lately we’ve been asking ourselves: what about the packaging our fish arrives in?

Well, we’ve tested several styrofoam alternatives, and we’re really excited to have found one that is both environmentally sustainable and effective in providing exceptional thermal insulation to keep our fish frozen in-route to our customers.

Made from US-grown corn, Green Cell Foam is the most environmentally sustainable packaging material on the market. It is certified compostable in backyard composts, and can even be dissolved in a sink for safe and easy disposal.

Green Cell Foam defines the key to sustainability in three ways: sustainable raw materials, sustainable manufacturing practices, and sustainable disposal options. Here’s how they meet all three:

Sustainable raw materials – Green Cell Foam is made from US-grown corn produced from non-GMO seedstock in the upper Midwest - an annually-renewable source of material.

Sustainable manufacturing practices – Green Cell Foam is made through an extrusion process that utilizes less than one gallon of water for every 50 cubic feet of material, creates no harmful emissions and produces small amounts of solid waste which is compostable.

Sustainable disposal options – Green Cell Foam is certified compostable by BPI and meets ASTM-D6400 testing for biodegradability. Green Cell is also the ONLY material that can be dissolved in water, allowing small quantities to be simply flushed down the drain.

Beginning August 2022, orders placed online will ship in Green Cell Foam. This is an exciting step forward for our small business, and we promise to continue seeking out additional ways to expand our commitment to environmental responsibility.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Wild Alaska Salmon


Super-Premium Ivory King Salmon