Wild salmon vs. farmed salmon

We are obviously biased when it comes to the debate of whether wild salmon or farmed salmon is better. Living in Alaska, we are constantly surrounded by pristine waters, vast landscapes, and an abundance of wild food sources. Wild salmon are the accumulation of all of these things; they are nurtured by their surroundings. They swim freely. They come from the hands of hardworking fishermen, as part of an industry that has thrived in these areas since the late 1800s, far before statehood.

There isn’t much “fishing” involved with farmed salmon, which are contained in netted pens and often treated with antibiotics to control the spread of disease.

In Alaska, bumper stickers read, “Friends Don’t Let Friends Eat Farmed Salmon”. To us, the choice is simple. We fish for wild salmon and distribute wild salmon because we believe in them. They are the staple of our communities. We believe in their ability to nourish our own lives, as well as the lives of others.

Aside from our personal connection to wild salmon, there are numerous health benefits to incorporating wild Alaska salmon to your diet. They have fewer calories and less saturated fat than farmed salmon. They have lower levels of POPs (persistent organic pollutants) and contaminants than farmed salmon. There is no antibiotic use in wild-caught salmon. The best part? Wild Alaska salmon are loaded with omega 3s and taste delicious!

You can read more about the health benefits and risks of farmed salmon versus wild salmon here.

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Cream Cheese Stuffed Lemon Dill Salmon Burger


Shoreline Wild Salmon now available at Dexter Mill and Mert’s Meats